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Birth Related Injuries and Chiropractic

Posted: May 20, 2024
By: Dr Rubin & Snaedis Logadottir

Birth-related injuries can present complex challenges, particularly in pediatric patients. One example is in a case report from 2011 that sheds light on a rare occurrence: a neonate with combined brachial plexus and facial nerve palsy seeking care at a chiropractic clinic. The patient, delivered via forceps-assisted vaginal birth after Caesarean, exhibited facial asymmetry and upper limb postural issues from birth, stemming from shoulder dystocia during delivery.

Upon examination, the patient displayed signs of both brachial plexus and facial nerve involvement, indicating a unique obstetric trauma. Chiropractic management, focusing on craniosacral techniques and soft tissue therapy, yielded impressive results. Gradual improvement in facial symmetry and upper limb posture was observed over several months, with no reported adverse effects.

This case underscores the importance of considering conservative therapies, such as chiropractic care, as one alternative to managing birth-related injuries. While severe cases may necessitate surgical or other intervention, mild to moderate presentations can often be effectively addressed through specialized pediatric chiropractic care and neurological exercises. Close monitoring and individualized care are paramount in optimizing outcomes for pediatric patients with birth-related injuries.

Reference: Sharon Gordon, BAppSc(Chiro). Chiropractic Management of a Combined Neonatal Brachial Plexus and Facial Nerve Palsy: A Case Report. Volume 12, No. 1, June 2011 Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics

Pediatric Low Back Injuries

Posted: May 1, 2024
By: Dr Rubin & Snaedis Logadottir

Recent epidemiologic studies have estimated that the lifetime prevalence of low back pain in children is approximately 50%, with almost 15% of children experiencing frequent or continual pain. A pediatric chiropractor can help alleviate low back pain in children through gentle spinal adjustments and exercises to strengthen supporting muscles and prevent future episodes. By employing safe and effective chiropractic care, pediatric chiropractors aim to reduce pain, improve function, and enhance the overall well-being of young patients experiencing low back discomfort.

A low back pain research study involving 54 pediatric patients with an average age of 13 years old highlights the potential of chiropractic care in alleviating low back pain in children. Most of the patients were diagnosed with lumbar dysfunction or subluxation. Treatment outcome was measured with a subjective rating scale and a self-report pediatric visual analogue scale. Patients responded well to adjustments, with 87% of patients experiencing "important" improvement within a 6-week treatment course. There were no reported complications and significant improvements were observed, however, the need for further investigations is needed.

Reference: Hayden JA, Mior SA, Verhoef MJ. Evaluation of chiropractic management of pediatric patients with low back pain: a prospective cohort study. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2003 Jan;26(1):1-8. doi: 10.1067/mmt.2003.11. PMID: 12532132.

Pediatric ankle injuries and chiropractic

Posted: April 24, 2024
By: Dr Rubin & Snaedis Logadottir

Pediatric athletes that are involved in high velocity sports, frequently encounter ankle problems and sprains. This blog post will examine two case studies to illustrate the potential effectiveness of chiropractic treatment in addressing these issues. Traditional care methods, including rest, ice, compression, elevation, and rehabilitation exercises, often fall short in resolving persistent symptoms such as pain, weakness, and instability. Chiropractic management utilizes manual techniques to realign the ankle joint, reduce inflammation, and restore proper ranges of motion. The articles highlight chiropractic interventions in addressing persistent post-sprain concerns and facilitating young athletes' return to sports activities.

One of the studies presented A 15-year-old male patient that presented with persistent ankle pain and limited ranges of motion due to an inversion sprain while playing soccer. The incident happened approximately 8.5 months prior. The athlete sought chiropractic care and the management included adjustments and education on home exercises and stretching to improve ankle dorsiflexion. After 4 visits, the athlete showed significant symptom relief and returned to full athletic participation. There was a follow-up evaluation at 5 months which revealed no pain or functional complaints.

The second article discusses the case of a 16-year-old female soccer player experiencing ankle pain for 3 weeks which was exacerbated by running. From a young age she had gait difficulties and foot flare which were still present upon examination. Detailed history-taking and examination revealed multiple contributing factors, including biomechanical abnormalities, and muscular imbalances. Treatment involved chiropractic adjustments of both the spine and extremities, and some functional rehabilitation. Over seven weeks, the patient showed significant improvement in pain levels, had a 10 degree decrease in foot flare and was able to return to play without discomfort.

Chiropractic works for athletes young and old, weekend warriors or Super Bowl level professionals!  Make sure you find a chiropractor that is sports certified!


Hewitt RL, Brocker JL. Chiropractic Management of Chronic Ankle Pain and Limited Mobility in a Pediatric Athlete: A Case Report. J Chiropr Med. 2023 Mar;22(1):85-88. doi: 10.1016/j.jcm.2022.10.001. Epub 2022 Dec 13. PMID: 36844988; PMCID: PMC9947970.

Anderson, M., & Barber, M. (2011). Kinetic Chain Dysfunction in a 16-Year-Old Soccer Player with Ankle Pain. Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics, 12(1), 862-863. Retrieved from

Pediatric Sports Injuries Part 2

Posted: April 15, 2024
By: Dr Rubin & Snaedis Logadottir

Pediatric injuries in soccer are a significant concern as the popularity of the sport continues to rise among children and adolescents worldwide. Soccer, known for its fast pace, agility demands, and physical contact, poses various risks to young players. While the sport offers numerous health benefits, including cardiovascular fitness and teamwork skills, the potential for injuries cannot be overlooked. Understanding the nature and prevalence of these injuries is crucial for developing effective prevention strategies and promoting safe participation in soccer among children.

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in alternative healthcare modalities for children, particularly chiropractic care. Chiropractic interventions can be beneficial for children suffering from injuries, whether acute or chronic. The gentle and non-invasive nature of chiropractic adjustments makes it suitable for children of all ages. Chiropractic care focuses on restoring proper alignment and function of the musculoskeletal system. This approach not only helps alleviate pain and discomfort but also promotes natural healing processes within the body, which is particularly advantageous for pediatric patients who may be more sensitive to pharmaceutical interventions.

In order to prevent long-term complications and promote optimal development, it is important to practice early intervention. Chiropractic care offers a holistic approach to pediatric healthcare, addressing not only the immediate symptoms but also underlying biomechanical issues that may contribute to recurrent injuries or musculoskeletal imbalances. By incorporating chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue therapies, and rehabilitative exercises, healthcare practitioners can effectively manage pediatric injuries and support the overall well-being of children.

Reference: Corso M. Developmental changes in the youth athlete: implications for movement, skills acquisition, performance and injuries. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2018 Dec;62(3):150-160. PMID: 30662070; PMCID: PMC6319435.

Beyond Nutrition: Exploring Surprising Uses for Breast Milk

Posted: March 11, 2024
By: Dr. Rubin & Mariah Wenglewski

           As we know, breast milk’s popular nickname is “liquid gold” and rightfully so! There are millions of antibodies and nutrients that a mother’s breast milk can provide for her infant and beyond when ingested. As amazing as breast milk is for the gut microbiome, what other ways can it be useful to a child?

           Breast milk is known for its antibacterial properties which can be useful when trying to avoid harmful ingredients when treating skin conditions. Breast milk contains an epidermal growth factor which may promote skin repair.  Some conditions include, eczema, diaper rash, conjunctivitis (eye infection), and Otitis media (ear infection), which is a no-cost and noninvasive approach to such conditions. For many centuries, breastmilk was the treatment of choice due to its affordability (free!) and its natural ingredients.

           As always, more research is necessary to provide further evidence-based results to confirm or deny the effectiveness of this traditional therapy.


Expecting? Mom-to-be soon? You owe it to yourself to read 'Ina May's Guide to Childbirth'!

Posted: March 5, 2024
By: Dr. Rubin & Mariah Wenglewski

There are so many incredible books to help prepare mothers and fathers for parenthood. Many of them express what you cannot or should not do. In "Ina May's Guide to Childbirth" she provides a comprehensive book written by Ina May Gaskin, one of the world’s most prominent midwives. Her book helps redirect the mother’s mindset to things she can do by focusing on natural childbirth.

The book provides a holistic approach to childbirth, emphasizing the body's innate ability to give birth and the importance of mental and emotional preparation for labor. Gaskin shares beautiful birth stories from her experiences at The Farm, a midwifery community she co-founded in Tennessee, which highlights the positive outcomes of natural childbirth.

These optimistic birth stories are a refreshing, new outlook for mothers that may not have been exposed to this side of birth from the media and other outside factors. This allows the mother’s mindset to shift from fear to empowerment.  She further discusses various techniques for coping with labor pain, including relaxation, breathing exercises, and the use of water during labor. Additionally, the book addresses common medical interventions and their potential risks, empowering women to make informed choices about their birthing experiences. "Ina May's Guide to Childbirth" encourages women to trust their bodies and embrace the transformative experience of childbirth.

‘Text Neck Syndrome’ and Adolescents on the Rise

Posted: February 27, 2024
By: Dr. Rubin & Mariah Wenglewski

            Typically, neck pain and headaches are considered a complaint that brings adults into a practitioner’s office, especially chiropractic offices. However, recently, there has been a shift of patient population entering chiropractic offices for such complaints. What is a common denominator in a rise of neck pain and headaches? Many factors play a role in this shift; however, it is hard to overlook the obvious: Text Neck Syndrome. Text Neck Syndrome is a recent phenomenon due to improper and overuse of technological devices such as iPads, cell phones, and laptops. Though this is common in adulthood due to poor working ergonomics, there is a rise in text neck development through the increasing use of technology in young and growing children.

            Today’s environment is a world of technology that children cannot get enough of if exposed to it. If we take a second to look around a crowded room, we can see the commonality amongst the population; most are looking down at some form of devices. So, why does this matter? If the natural, healthy forward curve of our neck bones are not maintained, it will disappear. And why is that important? How does this affect my child? Without the maintenance of normal spinal function, changes begin to take place such as degeneration and muscle tightness. Remember- the spine houses one of our favorite systems, the nervous system.

            When degeneration occurs, it is difficult to reverse. Degeneration is a permanent form of misalignment and aging of the spine, further causing irritation to the communication of the brain and body that happens via the nerves. More importantly, degeneration in the neck (due to Text Neck) is the closest area of the spine to the brain. Thus, the body’s alarm system begins to sound, leading to physiological symptoms such as headaches, possible dizziness, and of course neck pain.

            In a child that is still developing, these changes can lead to complications scholastically, behaviorally, and ultimately irreversible spinal changes. Though screen time is not recommended in a developing child, proper ergonomics can help facilitate a healthier spine! Rather than your child sitting in a chair playing games or scrolling, have them rest on their stomachs to encourage a healthy curve in the cervical spine! If lying prone is not an option, consider expressing the importance of lifting the device to eye level to avoid the forward bending. Limit screen time when necessary to decrease the poor positioning if not able to reach these ergonomics.

Check out the ‘screen time’ post for information!


Can screentime really affect my child? Part 1

Posted: February 12, 2024
By: Dr. Rubin & Mariah Wenglewski

One of the most common conversations right now in parenthood is screen time. It seems that there is a screen everywhere we turn, even if it is not our own screen! We make so many connections on a phone as adults in respect to work emails, coordinating schedules, and simply staying in touch with others. But are we thinking about what consequences a screen has on the child’s developing brain?

Certain learning applications on devices can help improve education and learning opportunities when in small moderation. However, does the cost outweigh the risk? Such risks associated with screentime can include increasing the probability of obesity, sleep disturbances, and psychological issues such as depression and anxiety.  A cohort study performed by The Quebec Longitudinal Study of Child Development found that early screen exposure showed an outcome of lowered academic performances. Cognitive disruptions due to early introduction to screen time can also be linked to a poorer attention span and focus abilities that correlate with lesser academic outcomes.

Language development relies heavily on interactions between children and adults. It has been realized that less adult and children’s interactions are occurring due to the interruption of screentime and smart devices. This directly affects language abilities when there is no communication taking place.

Enriching activities can be a positive option for a child in place of screentime. Monitoring screen games and media as well as time spent on a screen can help benefit the child’s cognitive development. This begins with pediatric chiropractors advising and encouraging parental awareness and help them make informed decisions as the world of screens and devices continuing to soar.  

In a future blogpost, we will address other pediatric issues associated with screens, including tech neck!


Pediatric Sports Injuries

Posted: February 7, 2024
By: Dr. Drew Rubin & Amy Richmond

Of all the reported sports-related injuries that present to the emergency room each year, approximately 40% are attributed to patients aged 5-14 years.1-2 While this accounts for only the most severe case (e.g. fractures, concussions, dislocations, etc), it demonstrates a rising trend that sports injuries are occurring in high rates at all levels, not just the high school, college, and professional levels. Kids of elementary and middle school age who are participating in recreational and travel league athletics are just as susceptible to injury as any adult athlete.

Kids playing sports are also at risk of the same injuries as any adult athlete (e.g. tendonitis, ligament tears, meniscus/cartilage injuries, concussions, muscle strains, etc.)3-4, but they can additionally present with their own set of health challenges and risks due to their immature skeleton. For example, youth athletes are uniquely at risk for injuries to the growth plates or the areas of their bones that are responsible for lengthening and ossifying the bones in their body as they reach full size. Damage to the growth plates can result in premature closing of the growth plates and other long-term complications. Youth athletes are most at-risk during growth spurts when the growth plate is its most fragile.1-5 Unfortunately, most athletes both begin competitive sport and start sport specialization during the times of growth spurts, ages 5 and 12-15 respectively.

We must also remember that no part of the body grows at the same rate. At some points during development, the head and trunk are out of proportion with the arms and legs. When kids are introduced to the same types of training as adults, their bodies are biomechanically not able to withstand the same forces. This can increase the risk of overuse injuries, especially when kids are subjected to specialized skill training.1-2 Overuse injuries in childhood without proper rest and healing time can lead an athlete to a lifetime of injury challenges such as early arthritis, cartilage damage, and ligamentous laxity.5

The good news is that with proper care including chiropractic, rest, and monitoring kids can have long athletic careers. Sport participation has been shown to have significant positive influences on socialization and interpersonal skills, mental health, self-efficacy, self-worth, and creating long-term healthy habits.6-7  It is never our goal to discourage sport participation, but to educate parents and families that as with all things, there are risks. However, with the right care team in place, (especially a certified pediatric chiropractor), your child can participate in the sports that they love for as long as they choose.

  1. Maffulli N, Caine D. The Epidemiology of Children's Team Sports Injuries. Med Sport Sci. 2005;49:1-8. doi:10.1159/000085330
  2. Caine DJ, Maffulli N. Epidemiology of children's individual sports injuries. An important area of medicine and sport science research. Med Sport Sci. 2005;48:1-7. doi:10.1159/000084274
  3. Wild JT, Kamani YV, Bryan JM, Hartman TN, Spirov LM, Patel NM. Timeout? The Epidemiology of Pediatric Sports Injuries During the COVID-19 Pandemic. J Am Acad Orthop Surg Glob Res Rev. 2022;6(4):e21.00092. Published 2022 Apr 8. doi:10.5435/JAAOSGlobal-D-21-00092
  4. Zaremski JL, Zeppieri G Jr, Tripp BL. Sport Specialization and Overuse Injuries in Adolescent Throwing Athletes: A Narrative Review. J Athl Train. 2019;54(10):1030-1039. doi:10.4085/1062-6050-333-18
  5. Samet JD. Pediatric Sports Injuries. Clin Sports Med. 2021;40(4):781-799. doi:10.1016/j.csm.2021.05.012
  6. Hosker DK, Elkins RM, Potter MP. Promoting Mental Health and Wellness in Youth Through Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Sleep. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2019;28(2):171-193. doi:10.1016/j.chc.2018.11.010
  7. Carbone PS, Smith PJ, Lewis C, LeBlanc C. Promoting the Participation of Children and Adolescents With Disabilities in Sports, Recreation, and Physical Activity. Pediatrics. 2021;148(6):e2021054664. doi:10.1542/peds.2021-054664

What's wrong with our brains? Part 2

Posted: April 18, 2023
By: Dr. Drew Rubin

Last year, it was noted that 1 in 44 children were labeled as having Autism by the CDC. But not anymore!  Just a few weeks ago, the Autism rate changed to 1 in 36, which is really interesting when you consider that when I was a kid in the 1960s and 70s, the Autism rate was one in 10,000!  1 in 36 equals 4% of those born as males in the US have autism. 

According to the CDC, the percent of kids with anxiety has risen to 9.4%, and almost 5% of our kids have depression. One in six children, according to the CDC, between ages two and eight have a mental behavioral or developmental disorder. In 2016, it has been recommended that all teens should be screened for depression. And in 2022, they recommended that all kids eight and over should be screened for anxiety. 

So I focus on kids but let's not just talk about kids for a moment. 55% increase in Alzheimer's 50% increase in Parkinson's the last 15 years. So when I ask, “what's wrong with our brains,” it isn't just what's happening to our kids brains…it’s what’s going on with everyone’s brains? The World Health Organization recently said there is “ample evidence that pinpoints neurological disorders as one of the greatest threats to public health.”

Yes, all brain based issues have skyrocketed. But what's wrong with our brains? The answer in one word: neurotoxicity. We have create a neurotoxic world.  But here’s the key question:  what's right with our brains?  We can try to alleviate some of the neurotoxic stress…you can't change what's out there, but you can change how the body is responding to it. And you can change neurotoxicity through kids getting adjusted, you can change through helping them with nutrition, you can get these kids to move instead of sitting on their iPhones all day long playing.  We can't stop all that neurotoxic stress. But we can help alleviate that and strengthen the other side. I think we can start moving into a new generation where their brains even with the neurotoxic stuff are more resilient. And that's what it's all about.

References available upon request.

See for a webinar about this by Dr. Rubin where he provides all the references in the powerpoint

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